
The Cougar Yearbook

The Cougar Yearbook

Senior Ad Info

Attention Senior Parents and Local Businesses:

There are two ways to purchase and design ads for the yearbook. This page will help you decide which is better for you, as well as provide links for you to begin the ad process. Prices will not change from last year and can be found on the SENIOR AD ORDER FORM.

What are the ad sizes?

If you were take a page out of the yearbook and draw a tic-tac-toe design on it, the nine blocks are basically how we sell ad space. A one-block ad is the most economical and gives you room for a single photo and short message. You can also but two-, three-, four-, six- or nine-block ads. The bigger the ad, the more photos you can use on your page. We have examples here of each of the various sizes (these are all actual ads created for our yearbook).

How to order and pay for your ad?

You can order the ad online at and pay for it there as well, using a credit card. If you prefer cash or check, you should order your ad in Room 1201 using the Yearbook Ad Order Form. Please note that there is a place on the form to let us know if the ad is a secret or not. We go to great lengths to keep the ad a secret for your senior. We cannot take credit cards on campus.

How do I build the ad?

This is where you have a big choice to make – you can build the ad yourself, or allow us to build it for you. The ad space is yours, and you can design the ad however you want as long as it doesn’t violate the yearbook’s code of ethics or school policy (no foul language or inappropriate photos). So let’s get started!

Building the ad yourself?

You can use Balfour’s online ad manager to create your own ad. There are templates you can follow or you can just put it together online in your own way. You can also design it on your own and upload it as a finished image, if you feel comfortable with whatever software you’re using. Some of our best ads are from the parents! But if you do not feel comfortable with this, I encourage you to have our staff help.

Building the ad with us?

You can send us the photos and message and let us create the ad from scratch, or – and I strongly encourage this – you can come to one of the Senior Ad Nights! We host parents who want to come sit with a staff member and design the ads together. We will host three in the fall – September, October and November – and we can scan in photos and help parents create the perfect the ad. You’ll leave with a proof of the ad and know you helped to create it. Watch for emails listing the dates.


We hope this information helps and we look forward to helping make your student’s Senior Year special!